
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ada hikmahnya...


Hari ni dah lebih sebulan sy kerja di Kuantan. Setelah suffering for almost 2 years, duduk berjauhan, Allah swt bagi juga jalan supaya sy dpt duduk bekerluarga dengan hubby n Adam.

Bila sy dah bekerja kat Kuantan ni, Alhamdulillah, banyak yg baiknya sy nampak.

Relationship dengan keluarga adik emak sy, Cu, dekat semula. Kalau dulu, jarang sangat  dapat jumpa Cu. Hari Raya pun jarang sebab kitorg jarang balik ke Kuantan. Sekarang ni, asal ade free je, kitorang merayap gi rumah Cu. Kenduri Ajam pun mak tido sana and tolong Cu. Cu pun dah 2 kali dtg rumah saya kat IM.

Cu and Adam

Tukar environment tempat bekerja. Yes, I know. This is a totally new environment to me. Back then, my life was a bit 'lagho'. I couldn't care less the Muslim life that I led. What I wore, the way I talked and solat, all tunggang terbalik. Here, I am slowly adapting. Not that I wear purdah and tudung labuh. But now, I will carefully select my clothes and will be very conscious of whatever that I'm doing or going to do. Slowly, it change me for a better person. Bukannya nak membesar diri ye... tak terlintas pun. I am still me...

There are few things too but if I want to talk about it here, sampai esok x abis-abis la korg bace. Haha!

Just that, all my sacrifices are awarded. Alhamdulillah.

Yang sy pelajari dr pengalaman ni, Allah swt tetap makbulkan doa hambanya. Bezanya cepat atau lambat.
Kenapa saya tak dapat kerja di tempat lain, mungkin inilah hikmahnya...
Segalanya dah diatur untuk saya...

Pen off..bubye..


Anonymous said...


Nai Roszalina ARahim said...

Alhamdulillah...I'm glad to hear you like it here. One thing tho, WATCH WHAT YOU EAT! LOL