
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sometimes you just have to stop what you are doing


It is going to be a bit emotional writing from me today.

As a mother and a wife, I am really blessed to have a very understanding husband and two beautiful babies. Yes, they are. People will look at them, cooing and baby talking to them, especially Humaira. Fine...I don't mind.


I DO MIND if you are

1. SMOKING and try to get close to my baby.  Excuse me! Are you dumb or what? It is enough that you are jeopardizing your life. Don't put my baby in the same hole. Don't you know about passive smoker, idiot?

2. A WOMAN and my husband is holding the baby, and ME, the wife is not around. HELLO!!! Don't u feel the same if your boyfriend holding a phone and I am touching it? (not that my baby as cheap as that phone). The point is, stop messing with somebody's baby and husband whose wife is not there. You should be extra careful even if you are attracted to the baby so much. If the mother is holding the baby and you are a woman, that is a different story. Opposite sex is a big NO!

3. PURPOSELY MAKES MY BABY CRIES. Yes, baby cries a lot. But you are not the one who'll be panicking and desperately trying to stop the baby from crying. Don't you know that parents have a lot of things to do apart from that? Don't you know how to treat a baby?If you use your loud voice, your purposely sound angry voice, don't you think it is inappropriate? They'll get scared. Babies are months old and you are..?

Put yourself in the parents shoes. It is not that I am a very fussy mother. I am not to the extend, 'don't touch my baby, you are full of germs'. No, I am not. But, these simple things irritate me.

I love hearing words like my baby is beautiful and they are lovely, she is cute, Abang is adorable. kinda makes me a proud mama. But, I really can't tolerate with the 3 types above.

Please, if you think I am too much, wait until somebody do this to u. You'll know how it tastes. :)

P/s: Dah abis meroyan. Jom wat assignment.


TY said...

sabar mommy..waaahh..melampau lak deme ye

FaraFaiz said...

hahaha... tu la. kita ni punya la jaga anak. org lain bleh plak treat anak kita gitu