
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Friday, January 8, 2010

My horrible life this semester...


Rasanya tiap2 kali bukak sem pun akan membebel. Tapi, nak buat camne... blog ni je the only way i can reduce my stress, apart from telling it to closest frens..

Kelas Master da start. Xde kawan sangat. tp manage to get few good ones(mintak2 la).. Penatnya, tuhan je la tau. Dari UiTM-KL (Rabu).. KL- UiTM (Jumaat kul 5 pagi)..Horror kan my life? I try not to complain bec there are those who suffer more than I do..

Sem ni kelas biasa2 je. Yang luar biasanya, students.

Ada satu kelas ni semua perempuan. I'm not saying, yang mengajar ppuan ni x best bec I perempuan. No.... ini sebab ppuan udah semulajadinya mudah terasa, n x banyak kerenah. I had the same experience 1 year back. Penatnya Ya Rabbi. I need to make jokes, I need to be tolerate more than usual, I need to 'jgn ckp lepas je', I need to be extra baik hati. If not they will hate my class, n u can't imagine how worse the climate can be.

Sem ni students come from variety of edu background. Ada yang x abis matrix, UiTM dropouts, STPM, SPM. Ni sumer sbb this sem is 2nd intake. I did few test, n the result? I really need to b patient this sem... Almost half of my students need extra effort to pass the BEL codes.

Yang paling bengang, arini. I came all the way from KL, kul 5 pagi. Sampai2 dgn penatnya, masuk kelas kol 8, boleh plak satu umat pon x muncul. I wait like 15 min, then i called person in charge of the timetable for my department..ask her about if there's any changes. xde pulak....Sakitnya hatiiii.... then, after i left a message to my fren next door (in case any1 come), I took my bag n left.. *&(^%^ Penat je dtg pagi2...

Huhu....imagine me..angry...

Sabar je la....


hana_lalalala said...

biase la awal sem. budak2 liat nak datang class. friday plak tu! sabar2. next week ada la tu.

Sue said...

tak pernah ada experience cam ni..biasanya student yg tunggu lecturer.. %&#@!!%^&