
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Entry khas untuk TLC's MT

Tadi g lepak kat bilik Suzai...bosan dowh lepak sensorg, sangap kat bilik sementara tggu nk balik. Slalu gak borak ngn Suzai, cuz she's a good listener. n I can tell her lots of things. Among the things we talk about is The Language Club (TLC), since both of us are advisors for TLC (including Shila). Suzai n Shila agak rapat dgn MT (Majlis Tertinggi aka AJK, correct me if I'm wrong). Me...on the other hand, kurang rapat disebabkan mslh2 sdri. Tp masih lagi join drg bebila ada masa2 terluang. Entry ni khas utk mereka sbb bebudak ni suka menyibuk kat blog ni since they happened to stumble on my blog aritu..

From left(guys): Kabe, Kei, Jon, Topek, Pojie, Aie, Farid, Mere, Haiqal, Fik
From left (girls): Ika, Shila, Suzai, me, Lee, Fatimah, Hidayah, Fadilah, Faikah.

Bebudak TLC ni, sangat la nakalnya. Each one of them ada je perangai pelik.

Let start with The President.. Aie..Bebila rasa nk marah ngn Aie ni, I would refer him as Fakri, which no one called him that as I recall. tp xde la panggil depan2 si Aie ni. He's a good guy, tp suka sgt argue dgn ape kitorg ckp...ade, I hv my own missile to launch...Bila dia merepek je, just sebut nama Miss Raihan sure dia kalah...hahaha..

Khabir aka Kabe . Rupe dia ni pelik skit..nk kata cam Melayu kekwn dia kata dia cam N*P*L..hahaha...Dulu, aku geram sket ngn Kabe ni. Kalo SMS or call x penah nk jawab. Rasa cam nk ckp, "Kabe, awak campak je la handphone tu dlm lombong, bukan ade guna pun." lately ni dia dah baik...siap call lg. Dia ni sama je ngn Aie, sebut Pn Tengku Intan...confirm surrender.

Atikah or Ika. S/u yang sgt berdedikasi. BF dia Jon. Also one of the MTs. Drg ni a very cute couple. Just Jon kena QC ngn Ika slalu (jgn mara...gurau jek)....sthg about Jon is that, he resembles my lil bro, Apit. Jon terer main gitar, x byk ckp and baik. I think, these qualities makes Ika love him more. Mayb...hehehe

Ian...nice guy..made from Sabah (rasanya). Treasurer yg suka campurkan duit kelab time beli brg.Hahaha..One thing about Ian, dia cam childish sket...(from observation ye)..Lebih2 no komen, sbb Ian ni reserve sket with me. Dia close ngn Suzai. Kekwn dia suke usik Ian dengan sebutan2 bahasa melayu baku dia yg kelakar. Eg: Putih. Kita sebut "puteh", Ian sebut "putiih".

Faikah: Mula2 aku igt bdk ni pendiam. amik ko, garang rupanya. Hehehe... Treasurer yg boleh dipercayai..So,sape x byr duit club...kena marah ngn Faikah..hehe

Mere..Ni sorg lagi yg agak reserve ngn aku. N aku pun x wat keje sgt ngn Mere. Dia ok..x byk sgt ckp (dengan aku la kottt). Tp, masih lagi igt masa awak usha adik Miss Suzai tu...scary dowh...hahaha...Mere..Mere...

Isma' : Dia ni...MasyaAllah...bisingnya...banyak ckp...(poning palo den). Ada dia ni sure meeting abis kekadang emo sket...gurau2...jgn marah Isma'. Drg ckp Isma' ni Indon..yeke???hehe

Topek : Budak pandai yg rajin study, jrg bising. Hmmm...Tp sian Topek..drg amik kesempatan kat awak ek..slalu perabih kedit awak kan??? Ada skali tu, sumpah aku igt Topek yang SMS, rupe2 si Kabe. Aku tau pun bila Topek msg, "sila hubungi Kabe di no 019.... dia xde kat bilik" Cehhhh...malu aku..Topek ni pon ala2 PA si Kabe. Kalo x dpat call Kabe, baik call dia. Hehehe

Pojie: aku x borak sgt ngn dia ni, but he reads my blog. Jahat!!! Siap quote lagi ape aku dah ckp. Cehhh......but he's the Mastermind with all the multimedia things.

Haiqal: jiwa lembut, ati baik...hehehe..Rasa cam x sampai ati je nk marah2 kat dia ni.

Fatimah, Fadilah n Khadijah: Girls yang senyap2 tp buat kerja boleh thn la. Kalo beborak...xde la rasa drg ni malu2. Ok je...hehe

Farid: Dia ni, muka ade iras2 kwn aku masa study (Along Anizan). Serius! Perangai, cara ckp. That makes me feel comfortable ckp ngn dia. ckp cam kwn lama je.

Kei: Unofficial MT. Dia yg buat sushi...aku ngn Suzai slalu "borak pasal Kei".hehehe

Fik...hehe, ok la kut. hehehe

Hidayah: X MT...dia ni rajin..mayb sbb byk sgt keje, she quit.

huhu...rasa dah cukup kot...yang tertinggal tu...ampun la...hehehe...

Bukan ape...drg ni, buat kerja boleh tahan la..agak bagus tp perlu diingatkan slalu. Slalunya suzai n shila la yg pening kepala. But then, I salute them for making all the programs happened. Rasa cam susah tp, drg ni bagus. Jadi jugak. Kesian gak slalu kena marah2 ngn advisors...xpe la...bila lagi. :P

Next semester, new MTs will be elected. Hope, they can cope with all the things TLC need to focus on. And, TLC still need these guys to help.
I've had fun all this while. Drg ni mmg to be with..senang nk mintak tolong...ade aje drg nyer peel yang menyakitkan ati..hehe
One more thing, InsyaAllah, if aku pindah dr UiTM Jengka, xleh da jumpe drg ni (kalau jadi pindah, ye..)..

Pesanan buat korg..TLC MTs:

Blaja x.. main game je
Jangan repeat paper...
Jangan slalu lambat...punctual skit
Jangan quote "dia" dlm perbualan kita
Jangan jadikan blog ni topic dlm game "smbg ayat"
Jangan bersepah kat blog ni slalu...nyibuk jek...

That's all...daaaaaaa


hana_lalalala said...

each one of them perangai pelik? hahaha funny

Anonymous said...

hahaha...siap wat entry utk dorg dowh...hehehe...'borak2 psl kei' yer...hehehe...borak ke...bkn ko slalu ....???hehehehe...yup...dorg mmg best...kwn2 yg akan slalu diingati kot...huhuhu

-suzai bukan name sebenar...hehe-

FaraFaiz said...

hehe...saje je..drg kan suka bersepah kat blog aku ni..ish...pasal kei tu, jgn ar ko bising2...

Jengka said...

Sampainya hatimmuuu.. ingin meninggalkan dakuu... wakakaka.. wow.. ader dedicated post laaaaaar...

FaraFaiz said...

eleh...ngada ar korg..haha..

M said...

saye bkn bersikap saye mmg pemalu dan pendiam...saye hanye bercakap bile dirangsang...x mcm Farhan tu...langsung x bercakap...omputih kate extrovert...

FaraFaiz said...

mahu di "rangsang"? ???? hahahaa...itu kena tanya Faiqah..muahahaha

Anonymous said...

M :Hahaha...u pemalu ker...pendiam tu mgkn...pemalu tu...mmmm...

fireangel :Hehehehe...tye faiqah ke...hehehehehehe
