
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Tuesday, May 12, 2009



Dah lama me n Faiz discussed about this. Her mum also agreed that he should take me to any jewellery shops, and let me choose the one i like the most. At first, me mmg agak rasa kelakar. Yolah....x penah2 minah ni pakai cincin apatah lagi barang kemas yang lain2 tetiba kena pilih. those who know me well, they shud know that i'm not 'mami jarum' type..The only ones that i have are a simple bracelet and a pair of earings that given by my mum, descended from my grandma....hahaha. i have nothing against those who in favour. Really, kalau korg suka itu hak korg...saya tumpang gembira.haha.

Rasa cam pelik..serius..

Then, masa me n housemates jenjalan kat Kuantan, di East Coast Mall, sempat gak menjenguk kat Wah Chan. I had my eyes fixed on a beautiful gold ring. Simple but then ada diamonds (which i don't like)..Harga Ok gak...within our budget. I like simple ones like this..

and also like this one..

Faiz's family plan to come to my house. Kebetulan pulak my family plan to do kenduri doa selamat plus tahlil. maybe then, they can come and discuss. That's when 'risik' kut. And InsyaAllah, October we will proceed with engagement. I'm thinking of my brithday 25 Oct. Ok what...Sunday. hehe...but, kesian la mak...Isnin dia gi kantin skolah...Tengok la nanti..hehe..

Apa-apa pun...InsyaAllah...kami hanya merancang.

Fara Faiz


yusma said...

pilih yg ko suke fisrt2 ari tu...mcm sume org cakap "our first impression tu lah yg d best utk kite"...:>

FaraFaiz said...

hehe..baik cik cam susah plak nk g ktn semata2 g tgk cincin..haha

[DnaZz] said...

Haha, u not wat...hafiz nak wat suprise tuk aku, wanna buy me a ring, but then he didn noe my size.HE did asked me bout sa size.Terus xsuprise!haha

FaraFaiz said...

haha..ape la hafiz..lawak! trus kantoi...
BTW: saiz ko brape? haha..biar aku gtau hafiz

yusma said...

la dh klu kt kuantan yg berkenan,so kena la carik kt sane...korg be2 ni tau ke saiz jari msg2???cincin akak pon dh makin longgar je...just try cincin i dulu,tgk saiz...