
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Friday, January 9, 2009

Di 'tag' oleh cik suzaini...

Alahai cik Suzaini....haha...aku sahut juga mainan tag ni walaupun dah lama berenti main tag..kuikuikui...

1. Do you think you are hot?
tidak..sbb saya sedar diri..haha

2. Upload your favourite picture of you

3. Why do you like that picture
Sbb saye nampak comel..dan ada 'dia'

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
Dah lama....somewhere in October, I guess..Pizza Hut delivery..ngan family.

5. The last song you listened to
Incubus- Drive,..I'm listening to it now..

6. What are you doing right now besides this?
Lepak..and tggu nak mandi..

7. What name would you prefer besides this
Saya suka je nama I prefer Farah rather than FarahiYAH...cuz people keep teasing me as cik Yah...euwww...

Tag 5 people.
1) Rynn n Ridz
2) Bayne
3) Dana
4) Azam (I know u wont do it)
5) Hana

8. Who is no. 1?
Among closests friends, now dah jd mummy n daddy

9. No. 3 is having a relationship with
happily married, currently pregnant

10. Say something about no. 5
Exclassmate masa undergrad..she's pretty..(pewwwwiittt)

11. How about no. 4
Xclassmate gak..currently working at Lim Kok Wing

12. Who is no. 2
Kawan masa undergrad n also postgrad gak...she's one of the most 'interesting' person I know.


hana_lalalala said...

ala sweeeetttttttttttt gambar tuuuu

hana_lalalala said...

oooo no 5 pretty ye? ahha

fallen angel said...

ooo..itu la cik abanggnyaaa yg kita bualkan itu, hehehe... :)

FaraFaiz said...

iye la cik bayne...hehe..itu la dia...