
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


Monday, June 29, 2009

First Anny...


Me n Faiz celebrated our first anniversary. Tak sangka, dalam diam2 our relationship has blooming to this extend.

27 June, we went to JJ Bukit Tinggi Klang. I have planned to buy handbag or heels that caught my eyes. There was none. Broken-heartedly, we went to Bukit Raja since I knew the area quite well. Again, we walk out from there with only a pair of VOIR heels that I fell in love with. Faiz agreed that they look nice on me. kuikuikui....

At the same time, we were searching for our "cincin risik". Xde jugak yg menarik perhatian. Yaya called and said there was a fair by Wah Chan at MidValley. Disebabkan da sedih, xdapat ape yg dimahukan, Faiz suggested that we should go to MidVall. Again, xde yg dicari dan x puas ati.

28 June 09

Our first anniversary. We went to Kuantan. Kat sini, aku dah ade yg aku aim. Because, a week before dah g East Coast Mall (ECM) ngn Suzai. Aritu da berkenan kat dua handbags kat SEED. Sampai2, aku terus tarik Faiz masuk PADINI Concept Store and showed him the ones I like. As he promised me, he bought me one and the other one I paid it myself.

We walked around the mall. Searching for the most important ones. Ring. Mak Faiz da suruh cr jugak. So, by hook or by crook, we need to buy it that day. Pusing...pusing...we stumbled at one shop...Small but OK la.... So, pilih2...ade yg berkenan di hati...Hehehehe..and Faiz really satisfied with the one we chose. Mak dia dah pesan nk camni..camni... so, agak berpadanan la kut.

After that, we had our lunch at Teluk Chempedak (TC). The first time he proposed to me was at TC. So, a year after that, here we are again. Because of it was at noon. Panas, kitorg x jalan kat pantai. After lunch, we head back to our home.

Rasa cam pelik. Setahun lepas, me n Faiz baru je bercinta dengan seriusnya. Selama tu lah, Faiz tahan sabar ngan perangai aku yg agak manja mengada2, angin x tentu pasal, moody, rimas berkepit... Shiaaaannnnn dia..... xpe la... but HE REALLY LOVES ME. and ME TOO.

Xpe la...kena la layan gak kannnnnn???? hehehe...


Anonymous said...

yea!!! syok2!!!!! nnti jgn la lupa tunjuk cincin risik tu ye.... almaklumlah xkan lah saya nk nyibuk gk g umah awak time risik kn.... hehhhehehhehheheh mwah!!!!- ni lily la.